On Friday 17th May, we joined forces with the fitness experts from Power 10 to host the ‘100 Second Challenge’ – an event to raise awareness of local charity, Sporting Family Change. For a small entry fee, participants were able to test their strength and endurance as they took on the challenge of hanging from a bar for 100 seconds.
Over 40 people from St John’s, Sporting Family Change and Power10 took up the challenge – with the same number cheering on their colleagues and friends from the side lines. Our courtyard was packed, with several members of the public drawn in to see what was happening.
Who knew that simply seeing if you could hang for 100 seconds from a metal bar, could engender such camaraderie, support and ‘togetherness’.
Commenting on the event, our Director of Funding and Impact, Louise Harvey said,
This was one of the most uplifting and life-affirming happenings we’ve ever had at St John’s. It was wonderful to see such a mix of abilities, ages and life situations, all united in raising funds for the great charity that is Sporting Family Change.
With over £675 raised in just two hours, we are already planning the next one!
Find out more about the Hangin’ Tough: 100 Second Challenge and all those involved by watching this short video produced by Meaningful Films.