Magdalen Chapel, Holloway, Bath

Welcome to Magdalen Chapel. Whether you are seeking a new place to worship, or simply looking to visit our historic place of prayer, you will find a warm welcome here.

Following the example of early Christian communities, we believe in the importance of fellowship and caring for one another.  We are a friendly, growing Christian community of around 40 members, all of whom are drawn to our traditional weekly sung service of Holy Communion.

The Chapel’s ancient graveyard affords a wonderful view of Bath Abbey, while the delightful Magdalen Chapel Garden, created in 2008 as a memorial garden dedicated to a lifelong member of the congregation, offers a sanctuary of peace and quiet on the walk up from the city. Our Chapel and gardens are open to visitors for quiet prayer, contemplation, or simply for a look around on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday afternoons from 4pm to 6pm, and also on Saturdays from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The Chapel is a member of the Small Pilgrim Places Network.

Licensed by the Church of England, Magdalen Chapel is a charming venue for marriages and christenings, and is available upon application to the Chaplain.

Whether you are searching for a new spiritual home, or visiting us as part of your faith journey, you will find a place to belong at Magdalen Chapel.

Every Sunday – Holy Eucharist – 10:00am.

Every Monday – Morning Prayer – 8:30am

Every 2nd Tuesday in the month – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

If you are unable to come to the Chapel, and would like to join our Sunday service on Zoom, please email your contact details by midday on Friday to us at so that we can send you a Zoom invitation and the service details. Do let us know also if you would like to be included on the distribution list for our weekly email to the congregation.

Tuesday 13th August – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

Thursday 15th August – Agape Quiet Communion – 9:30am

Thursday 22nd August – Agape Quiet Communion – 9:30am

Thursday 29th August – Agape Quiet Communion – 9:30am

Friday 6th September to Saturday 14th September – Heritage Open Days Exhibition – Wed, Thu, Fri – 4:00pm to 6:00pm; Saturday 7th – 11:00am to 1:00pm; Sunday 8th – 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Tuesday 10th September – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

Saturday 14th September – OPEN DAY – 10:00am to 2:30pm – with organ recital, madrigals, talk & refreshments

Friday 20th September – Evening Prayer & Harvest Supper – 6:30pm

Tuesday 8th October – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

Sunday 3rd November – All Saints – 10:00am Eucharist

Sunday 3rd November – All Souls with Thanksgiving Service for the Departed – 3:00pm, followed by refreshments

Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Sunday – 10:00am Eucharist

Tuesday 12th November – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

Sunday 24th November – Christ The King – Sung Evensong – 6:30pm

Sunday 1st December – Advent Sunday – 10:00am Eucharist

Week of 2nd December – Carol singing in City Centre – Venue & time TBC

Wednesdays 4th, 11th, & 18th December – Advent Talks in The Chapel – 10:30am

Week of 9th December – Carol singing at Combe Park – Venue & time TBC

Tuesday 10th December – Quiet Service of Contemplation & Healing – 6:30pm

Sunday 15th December – Carol Service – 6:30pm , with refreshments to follow

Tuesday 24th December – Early Midnight Mass – 7:00pm

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day Sung Eucharist with Carols – 9:00am

Sunday 29th December – no service

Ordained in 2009, our Chaplain, Reverend Jacky Wise, served a two-year curacy in South Cheshire, and before moving to Bath, was Associate Vicar in a large parish on the Wirral for eight years. Since moving to St John’s, Jacky has been involved in co-leading a small monastic community called Still Waters which is based in our Chapel St Michael’s Within.

Jacky has two children of her own, as well as two stepchildren, and a cat named Poppy. She is passionate about hospitality, running and baking, and will often bring in cakes for St John’s staff to enjoy.

Rev Jacky WIse

Jacky can be contacted on on 01225 486411 or by emailing

Dating back to Norman times, our Chapel was built in the late 12th century and served an adjoining leper hospital. Both chapel and hospital were rebuilt by Bath Abbey’s Prior John Cantlow in around 1495 and with the decline of leprosy, the hospital’s role developed into the care of the mentally ill.

The origins of the Chapel are obscure and have been the subject of much scholarly conjecture. The earliest hard facts are that sometime between 1090 and 1100 a deed of gift was made by Walter Hosat, granting the Chapel of “the Blessed Mary Magdalene at Holeweye” to the Abbey Church of St Peter, Bath (now Bath Abbey); and that around the end of the twelfth century a small hospital for lepers was founded close to the Chapel and also consigned to the care of the Abbey’s monks.

Restored and extended in the 19th century, Magdalen Chapel passed to the care of the Trustees of Bath Municipal Charities in 1894 and then to St John’s Hospital. In 2012, the Magdalen Chapel Foundation and St John’s Hospital amalgamated as charities, with St John’s Hospital being renamed St John’s Foundation in 2016.

The Chapel is fortunate to have the services of an excellent organist. Our 10.00am Sung Eucharist each Sunday incorporates traditional liturgy, hymns and an organ voluntary before and after each service.

The Magdalen Singers is a group of around eight people, formed mainly from within the congregation and leads the singing at special services such as The Thanksgiving Service and The Easter Vigil.

The Chapel is used for rehearsals and concerts by performing artists and groups and is available for hire for such purposes. Please contact us for more information.

Our congregation is drawn from the local neighbourhood and wider community of Bath. Services at the chapel are held every Sunday as well as on feast days throughout the year. Choral Evensongs celebrate major festivals and we hold BCP Evensong on certain occasions.

St John’s Foundation has a Safeguarding policy & procedure and we adhere strictly to it. If you would like to discuss this with us, or have any concerns regarding Safeguarding please do not hesitate to contact:

Head of Good Living Service, Lynn Toman, Designated Person at St John’s Foundation Offices, 4-5 Chapel Court, Bath BA1 1SQ
Tel: 01225 486402
Mobile: 07725277145

Alternatively, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team, whose details can be found here