Good Living alms-apartments available

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  • Good Living alms-apartments available

At St John’s we offer quality alms apartments based in the center of Bath and Combe Park, adjacent to the RUH. In total, we have 94 alms apartments, creating a community, which supports and empowers people to live independently.

We currently have both single and double occupancy vacancies.

Our accommodation supports older adults who are actively independent to continue to direct their own life, safe in the knowledge there is, if needed, support from neighbours and the wider community.

We are not to be confused with care homes or assisted living, because you are responsible for yourself, but you are just surrounded by similar people.

There is a wonderful social scene at St John’s, and you can be involved as much or as little as you wish.

If you wish to register your interest in an apartment, please email or call 07725277145‬.