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Gallery from HRH Duchess of Cornwall's visit

21 February 2022

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Safe places in Bath and North East Somerset

24 January 2024

Safe places in Bath and North East Somerset Access to a safe place is a fundamental human right. When we established the Best Start in Life initiative (formally known as...

Exploring how our three-year programme has empowered schools, families and their communities

29 August 2023

Academic attainment levels have, historically, been lower among children from under-served backgrounds for a variety of complex reasons. The gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils has been exacerbated...

How can we remove stigma from food pantries? 

3 October 2023

Often the smallest financial change can cause someone’s income to fall below their needs. In the current economic climate, it is unsurprising that more people are needing help to afford...

What does the Crisis Programme offer?

3 October 2023

At a time when everyone is feeling the effects of the current economic uncertainty, those living in less financially secure circumstances are experiencing an even greater challenge to cover the...

Safe Places

11 October 2023

Spotlight: Jacky Wise, Chaplain of St John’s Foundation

26 October 2023

As a community charity founded on Christian principles, an important service St John’s Foundation provides its beneficiaries is access to two Chapels, the Chapel of Michael’s Within in Bath’s Chapel...

Add Your Safe Place

9 November 2023

A safe place is ‘a physical space where services are provided to support 0 – 12s and their families outside of school hours. If you think your business or venue...

Be Inspired: Netball Day 2023

7 December 2023

Make a Donation

12 December 2023