St John’s runs the Bath Half Marathon

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St John’s is passionate about supporting the under-served members of our community. Our work within the Best Start in Life initiative (formally known as the Foundation Fund) ensures that children are supported through a range of initiatives to support them as they learn and grow. It is vital to us that we work with others to provide an environment where children have the chance to live happy, healthy lives and in turn, contribute to our communities for generations to come.

We also focus on providing older people with housing and outreach services. With older adults now outnumbering younger people in our region, it’s more important than ever that we foster an age-friendly community, promoting independent living for longer.

This year, we will be donating all proceeds from our Bath Half run to the people we support through our ongoing work within the BaNES community. With your generosity, we aim to continue the work we’ve been doing for the last 850 years by providing a wealth of support to children, older adults and people in crisis who are struggling due to stark inequality within Bath and it’s surrounding areas.

Together we can work to ensure everyone have access to a fair and equal opportunity in their lives.